Answer: You should immediately find a doctor who is willing to do early treatment with multi-sequence, multi-drug therapy as support. There are nearly 500 doctors treating Covid-19 as outpatients who are not fearful of losing their medical licenses. Many will schedule tele-medicine appointments, meaning all you need is a phone or computer and you never have to leave your home. If your local doctor or hospital are not doing early treatment for you, immediately go to someone who does.

Power of Attorney

We recommend that you sign a form giving a trusted person in your life a Medical Durable Power of Attorney just in case you get sick quickly and need someone to advocate for you because you cannot. Here is a link to a MEDICAL DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY that is compliant in Colorado and gives authority to your agent to go against medical advice in the event the hospital will not treat for COVID-19. You should locate a similar medical power form for your state. Or if you are sure it will work in your state, remove the Colorado statute references and use this form. Or you can cut and paste the language you want into your state medical durable power of attorney form.

Treatment Options

Here are some links where you may be able to find some help regarding treatment options:

Warning about Remdesivir

We are hearing that many hospitals are either not providing treatment for Covid-19 patients or are only using the CDC recommended drug Remdesivir. This drug has serious side effects and many doctors are recommending that you NOT use it due to its connections to renal failure and death. For more information on what drugs and supplements are working and what are not, see:

Joe Rogan's Treatment

You may have heard that Joe Rogan got Covid-19 and went to a doctor in Texas and got immediate treatment with:

  • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Prednisone
  • Z-Pak (Azithromycin)
  • NAD
  • Vitamins
  • Ivermectin

He was better in a few days. Everyone, including you, should have the same level and quality of care that Joe Rogan and President Trump received.

Rogan tells his story here:


Here are some helpful downloads:

What to Do If You or a Loved One Get COVID-19

Doctors Offering Early Treatment for COVID-19

Medical Durable Power of Attorney (Colorado)